Also called Chinese Evergreen plant
Mostly as table top plant but also a good choice for the outdoors.
Height can be 10″ to 3-4′ tall.
Local price Rs 200- Rs. 350
Imported Prices
Rs.600-Rs. 1300
Grow red aglaonema in low, medium, or bright light. The plant often shows the best color in medium or indirect light indoors. In most areas, it can take some direct sun on the leaves. It’s best to diffuse strong sun with a sheer curtain. Water red aglaonema when the soil dries out.
Height 7 inch- 9 inch
Aglaonema is a genus of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. They are known commonly as Chinese evergreens.
Water red aglaonema when the soil dries out. This houseplant can go a few weeks without water if you‘re away from home or get too busy to water. But it does grow best when watered regularly. Fertilize red aglaonema a couple of times a year to keep it at its best.
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