69 items, Rs. 115,489
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NOTE: The flower blooms only during the blooming Spring season under sunlight, though it is a low shade plant
Spathiphyllum is a genus of about 40 species of monocotyledonous flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to tropical regions of the Americas and southeastern Asia. Certain species of Spathiphyllum are commonly known as Spath or peace lilies.
pot size 12 inches
One of the easiest of all deluxe houseplants to grow, multicolored aglaonema is also one of the most stylish and exotic . A relatively new variety to the houseplant world, this stunner shows off dark green leaves elegantly flushed with bright red or pink or green , or even combines. Its colorful foliage makes multicolored aglaonema a perfect home-decor accent
Height : 2.5 ft- 3.5 ft
Yucca is a genus of perennial shrubs and trees in the family Asparagaceae, subfamily Agavoideae. Its 40–50 species are notable for their rosettes of evergreen, tough, sword-shaped leaves and large terminal panicles of white or whitish flowers. They are native to the hot and dry parts of the Americas and the Caribbean
Each order will contain 5 pots . The price stated is of 5 pots
Pennisetum is a widespread genus of plants in the grass family, native to tropical and warm temperate regions of the world. They are known commonly as fountain grasses.
Pennisetum is easily one of the most popular and easy to grow perennial ornamental grasses. There is a pennisetum for everyone, from dwarf ornamentalgrass lovers (20″) to those looking for a tall ornamental grass (10′), upright habit or arching, tan or rose seed heads, and green or purple foliage
Pot Size: 12 inches
Nerium oleander is a shrub or small tree in the dogbane family Apocynaceae, toxic in all its parts. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Nerium. It is most commonly known as nerium or oleander, from its superficial resemblance to the unrelated olive Olea.
Height 1 ft to 1.5 ft
Pot size: 12 inches
Colour: Green
Aglaonema is a genus of flowering plants in the arum family, Araceae. They are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. They are known commonly as Chinese evergreens
Height :1.5 ft-2.5 ft
“Plumeria” or “Thai champa” is a genus of flowering plants in the dog bane family, Apocynaceae. Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees.
Care for Plumeria. Plumeria care, for the most part, is minimal. While plumeriasdon’t like wet feet, they should be watered deeply when irrigated and then allowed to dry out some before watering again. They also need to be fertilized about every two to three weeks throughout their active growing season.
Plumerias also grow somewhat in proportion to the size of the container they’re planted in.
Gardenia jasminoides, the gardenia, cape jasmine, cape jessamine, danh-danh, or jasmin, is an evergreen flowering plant of the coffee family Rubiaceae. It originated in Asia and is most commonly found growing wild in Vietnam, Southern China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar, India and Bangladesh
The garden pansy is a type of large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. It is derived by hybridization from several species in the section Melanium of the genus Viola, particularly Viola tricolor, a wildflower of Europe and western Asia known as heartsease
Dill is an annual herb in the celery family Apiaceae. It is the only species in the genus Anethum. Dill is grown widely in Eurasia where its leaves and seeds are used as a herb or spice for flavouring food
Will be given in a 6 inch size pot
Asparagus, or garden asparagus, folk name sparrow grass, scientific name Asparagus officinalis, is a perennial flowering plant species in the genus Asparagus. Its young shoots are used as a spring vegetable.
Dianthus is a genus of about 300 species of flowering plants in the family Caryophyllaceae, native mainly to Europe and Asia, with a few species extending south to north Africa, and one species in arctic North America. Common names include carnation, pink and sweet william
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