7 items, ₨3,208
Return Policy
Greene is proud to offer high-quality fruit at a fair price. We know that things can sometimes go wrong so we have a comprehensive returns policy to make sure our customers are completely satisfied.
We will accept returns within 14 calendar days of your purchase if you are unhappy with the product. Please contact us at [insert your contact information] with the order number and reason for return.
Returns must be returned in the original packaging and in exactly the same condition they were received. Returns for damaged or used items are not accepted.
We will inspect the item once we have received it. If the item meets our criteria we will process the refund. It may take up to five business days for your refund to appear on your account.
Please contact us immediately if you receive a damaged item or a defective product. Depending on the circumstances, we will issue a replacement or a refund. To help us process your claim, we ask you to take a photograph of the damaged or defective item.
If you have received an incorrect item, please notify us immediately. We will send you a return label with instructions for returning the item. We will issue a refund or replace the item once we have received the item.
Perishable items like fruits and vegetables cannot be returned. We will only accept returns for perishable items that are in good condition. Please contact us within 24 hours to report the problem.
We know that returning items can be stressful and we want to make it as simple and painless as possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our return policy. We are always available to assist.
Our return policy is summarized as follows:
- We accept returns within 14 days of purchase.
- All returns must be returned in the original packaging and in the exact same condition they were received.
- Items that have been damaged or used cannot be returned.
- Within 5-7 business days of receiving the item, we will process the refund.
- Please contact us immediately if you receive a damaged item.
- Please contact us immediately if you have received an incorrect item.
- Returns for perishable products like fruits and vegetables are not accepted.
- We are happy to answer any questions you may have about our return policy.